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Family and work

For more family friendliness in Saxony

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Area Living Community

Erklärvideo über den Bereich Partnerschaften

A community is already long much more than the classic image of marriage with children. Partnerships with and without children, partners with different or same sex, etc. are just a few examples. Differences but also similarities of different models - especially in the context of family and working life – is a broad and complex topic.

In addition to the partially existing legal distinction of the different types of communities, represents the acceptance on the part of the society and such on the part of employers. A distinction is made here, for example, still between marriage and registered partnership. Also with regard to the possible fulfilment of wishes, there are large differences.

The result unfortunately different constellations with regard to the reconciliation of family and career. In this chapter you will learn about the individual options. Furthermore you will find here contacts such as authorities, charity, and consultants who are engaged in this issue.

Bild von der Hauptkategorie Partnerschaften


hands love couple together fingers people family human - 1094128, CC0


hands love couple together fingers people family human - 1094128, CC0